The Digital Revolution with Jim Kunkle

Prescriptive Insights Via AI

Jim Kunkle Season 1 Episode 19

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How can businesses effectively leverage Artificial Intelligence driven prescriptive analytics to optimize decision-making processes and drive actionable recommendations?  

Related to this topic, here’s a previous released episode that I recommend you also listen to:  
Episode #18 “Real-Time Decision-Making With AI”

Prescriptive insights leverage artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze complex data sets, identify patterns, and generate recommendations.  These recommendations guide decision-makers on the most effective course of action. Unlike descriptive and predictive analytics, which focus on "what happened" and "what might happen," prescriptive analytics answers the critical question: "What should we do?"

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How can businesses effectively leverage Artificial Intelligence driven prescriptive analytics to optimize decision-making processes and drive actionable recommendations?  

Welcome to The Digital Revolution with Jim Kunkle.  On this episode, Jim will be covering “Prescriptive Insights Via AI”.  In the dynamic landscape of data-driven decision-making, businesses are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence to extract actionable insights from vast amounts of information. While descriptive and predictive analytics provide valuable historical context and future forecasts, prescriptive analytics takes it a step further by recommending optimal actions to achieve desired business positive outcomes.

Related to this topic, here’s a previous released episode that I recommend you also listen to:  Episode #18 “Real-Time Decision-Making With AI”

In this episode, here’s what I’ll be covering.  

  • What are prescriptive insights?
  • Key components of prescriptive insights.
  • Applications that benefit from prescriptive insights via AI.
  • What are the challenges and concerns of prescriptive insights?
  • How do small businesses benefit from prescriptive insights?

So, what are prescriptive insights?

Prescriptive insights leverage artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze complex data sets, identify patterns, and generate recommendations.  These recommendations guide decision-makers on the most effective course of action. Unlike descriptive and predictive analytics, which focus on "what happened" and "what might happen," prescriptive analytics answers the critical question: "What should we do?"

To add perspective behind what I just covered, here are examples of prescriptive insights across various business functions.

Inventory Management:

  • Retailers can use prescriptive analytics to optimize inventory levels. By considering demand forecasts, lead times, and storage costs, the system recommends when to reorder products or adjust stock levels.
  • For perishable goods (e.g., fresh produce), prescriptive models suggest markdown strategies to minimize waste while maximizing revenue.

Maintenance Scheduling:

  • In manufacturing or transportation, predictive maintenance models predict equipment failures.  Prescriptive insights take it further by recommending the optimal time for maintenance.
  • By balancing costs (downtime, labor, spare parts) and risks (potential breakdowns), organizations can schedule maintenance activities efficiently.

Healthcare Treatment Plans:

  • Prescriptive analytics assists doctors in choosing personalized treatment options for patients. For instance:

          + Recommending specific medications based on genetic markers.

          + Adjusting drug dosages to achieve desired outcomes.

          + Suggesting lifestyle modifications (diet, exercise) for chronic conditions.

Dynamic Pricing Strategies:

  • Airlines, ride-sharing services, and e-commerce platforms use prescriptive insights to set prices dynamically.
  • Algorithms consider real-time demand, competitor pricing, and historical data to recommend optimal price adjustments.

Energy Consumption Optimization:

  • Smart grids and buildings leverage prescriptive analytics to balance energy supply and demand.
  • Algorithms recommend when to shift loads, store energy, or adjust cooling/heating systems for maximum efficiency.

Financial Risk Management:

  • Banks and investment firms use prescriptive models to manage risk exposure.
  • Recommendations include portfolio rebalancing, hedging strategies, and stress testing under different scenarios.

Marketing Campaigns:

  • Prescriptive insights guide marketers on campaign allocation, channel selection, and content customization.
  • For example, which audience segments to target with specific offers during a product launch.

Supply Chain Resilience:

  • During disruptions (natural disasters, geopolitical events), prescriptive analytics helps reroute shipments, allocate resources, and prioritize orders.
  • Balancing cost, service levels, and risk is critical.

Personalized Recommendations:

  • E-commerce platforms, streaming services, and social media use prescriptive algorithms to recommend products, movies, or content.
  • These recommendations adapt based on user behavior and preferences.

Optimal Routing and Logistics:

  • Delivery services, ride-sharing apps, and logistics companies optimize routes for vehicles.
  • Factors like traffic, weather, and delivery windows influence route recommendations.

Remember that prescriptive insights are context-specific and require a deep understanding of the problem domain. Businesses should collaborate with data experts, scientists and domain experts to develop effective prescriptive models tailored to their unique challenges.

So now that you have a better understanding of what prescriptive insights are, and business use examples, let’s talk about the key components of prescriptive insights, which should be considered prescriptive analytics.   So, prescriptive analytics involves several key components that collectively enable informed decision-making and actionable guidance.  Here are the essential elements:

Data Collection and Integration:

  • Gathering data from diverse sources, including cloud data warehouses, customer databases, and market research.
  • Combining structured and unstructured data to create a comprehensive dataset.

Data Analysis and Modeling:

  • Leveraging machine learning algorithms to forecast future trends based on historical data points.
  • Developing proprietary algorithms that predict outcomes by considering historical data, current market trends, customer preferences, and external factors.

Optimization Techniques:

  • Identifying the best course of action to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Utilizing prescriptive models and algorithms to optimize processes and resource allocation.

Simulation and Scenario Analysis:

  • Simulating different scenarios to evaluate potential outcomes.
  • Assessing the impact of various decisions before implementation.

Decision Support Systems:

  • Providing actionable insights and recommendations to guide decision-makers.
  • Empowering informed choices based on data-driven insights.

Please take away that prescriptive analytics goes beyond predicting future trends; it focuses on recommending specific strategies to achieve business objectives effectively. Its impact extends to operational efficiency and cost reduction.

OK, now let’s explore the challenges and considerations associated with prescriptive insights.

Ethical Implications:

  • Prescriptive models must consider fairness, bias, and unintended consequences.
  • Transparency and accountability are crucial.

Change Management:

  • Implementing prescriptive insights requires organizational alignment and process adjustments.
  • Decision-makers need to trust AI recommendations.

Continuous Learning:

  • Prescriptive models should adapt to evolving data and business dynamics.
  • Regular updates and retraining are essential.

It’s clear that prescriptive insights, also known as, prescriptive analytics is a powerful tool that can significantly benefit small businesses. Let's explore in what ways.

Informed Decision-Making:

  • Actionable Guidance: Prescriptive analytics provides specific recommendations based on data-driven insights. Decision-makers can make informed choices, aligning their strategies with business goals.
  • Operational Efficiency: By optimizing processes and resource allocation, small businesses can enhance efficiency and reduce costs.

Risk Reduction and Security Enhancement:

  • Risk Mitigation: Prescriptive insights help identify potential risks and suggest preventive measures. Businesses can proactively address vulnerabilities.
  • Security Measures: Recommendations for security protocols and risk management enhance data protection and safeguard against threats.

Customized User Experience:

  • Tailored Solutions: Prescriptive analytics allows businesses to create “highly customized experiences” for customers. By understanding individual preferences, businesses can offer personalized services and products.

Resource Optimization:

  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Small businesses can allocate resources optimally, minimizing waste and maximizing productivity.
  • Inventory Management: Recommendations on inventory levels, restocking schedules, and demand forecasting improve supply chain efficiency.

Revenue Growth:

  • Pricing Strategies: Prescriptive models guide pricing decisions, ensuring competitiveness while maintaining profitability.
  • Sales and Marketing: Insights into customer behavior and market trends enhance sales and marketing strategies.

Strategic Planning:

  • Long-Term Vision: Prescriptive analytics aids in long-term planning by suggesting strategies for growth, expansion, and diversification.
  • Scenario Analysis: Simulating different scenarios helps evaluate potential outcomes and adapt strategies accordingly.

So now you know…prescriptive insights empower small businesses to make data-driven decisions, optimize operations, and achieve sustainable growth. By leveraging this approach, businesses can thrive in a competitive landscape.

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